Marvel Universe Role-Play Wiki

OPlease Bold your answers and fill out the following Questions:


Give a short History about your character (1-4 paragraphs). Remember, this can be added to your character page later.

Ginger La Rue Marie is a mutant. She was raised in the middle class and since her mother and father were mutants Ginger felt she could show her powers. Ginger never thought that her gifts would get her in trobule. One day she showed her powers to her boyfriend, he freaked out and went home. Thinking he needed time to decide if he wanted to stay with her, But what she didn't know was that he reported her to the MRD. Who came to her house... They attacked her parents and using her powers, Ginger's mother was able to teleport Ginger to safety. She wasn't far from her home, but she had some distance between her and the Authority. She managed to get somewhere... And as the MRD were about to get her. She was found by the X-Men.

What is your character's personality? Kind, rude, boastful, or humble?

Ginger is rebellious and courageous. She's not afraid to try new things. She can also be very restless, impatient and quick-witted. She is often sensitive and compassionate towards others and she gives very sound advice to anyone she's talking to. Ginger has a creative mind and a very good memory. She is street smart, as she can pick locks and pockets, as well as change the tires of a car. She's also fiercely loyal to the people that she loves.

What do you want your character to get into? S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers, X-Men, or Xavier's School?


Is your character an Adult or a Student


Is your character a Hero, Villain, or Agent?


What are some powers/abilities of your character? What makes them a Hero, Villain, or Agent?

On of Ginger's powers are photokinesis. Her light is strong and when she uses it, the light she blast is pink (this power is to come in her 12th year). She current power is telepathy, when she uses it, her mind is outlined in pink, attacks the target. She also has the ability to control plants, when she uses it the plants are outlined in pink and she controls them. What makes her a hero is she uses her powers for good.

If your character is an adult, do they have any children, wife, or significant other?

Please fill out some of the following Out of Character Questions:

Is this your first character? Yes or no?


List the amount of time you think you will be able to participate weekly. Twice a week, every day, once a week?

Every day

If you know your UTC time zone, please list it here:


Ginger La Rue has been confirmed. Congratulations!

~ The Confirming and Locations Division

